The idea and need for Garden Pipe – A rainwater harvesting solution started emerging in 2011. During the research for graduate thesis at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), Jinal Sampat realized how water is being imported from far away into our cities even when the amount of rain is higher than what our demands are. Crazy isn’t? Thus digging deep she realized that there is the water storage problem and not the scarcity.
After talking to more than 100 people and asking them why they don’t harvest rainwater in their homes, these are some of the common responses she got:
“I don’t know where to start looking for rainwater collection tanks and the installation”
“Do we get enough rainfall for our demands?”
“The tanks are huge a not very pleasant looking to have at my house”
“Water is so cheap, why should we invest thousands of dollars to collect it?”
Rainwater harvesting is a very ancient concept and not a new technology, it crazy to know that it is not a part of our daily life. Thus educating people about rainwater collection is crucial.
The goal of Garden Pipe is to make rainwater collection desirable and also give people a higher return on their investment.
Jinal Sampat, Founder and Creative Director
Jinal invented and designed the Garden Pipe Rainwater Harvesting System. Jinal got her Master’s Degree in Landscape architecture from Rhode Island School of Design and Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Sinhgad College of Architecture. In 2013, she decided to become a full-time entrepreneur by launching Garden Pipe and expanding her family diamond jewelry business.
David Zacher, Industrial Designer
David is an accomplished industrial designer who oversaw development from ideation to manufacturing of The Bradley Timepiece. The product was debuted top 15 most successful product designs on Kickstarter in 2013. As a member of the Legislative Staff, he briefed Representatives on legislation for the Natural Resources Committee. David holds degrees in Biology and Industrial Design from Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).
Chetan Nirkhe, Materials Expert
Chetan is an R&D and manufacturing engineer with a focus in plastics. He has 10+ years of experience working in the healthcare industry and holds degrees in Polymer and Plastics Engineering.